To Preserve and Protect 450+ Years of Breeding of Lipizzans.
Registered & DNA tested. LIF recommendations are followed as are guidelines of "The Studbook on the Origins of the Lipizzaner."
4 Lipizzans Standing at Stud, Noble Lipizzans, New England, USA 172cm to 157cm
Classical and Non-Classical Type Lipizzans
"We Import Champions...
in order to Breed Champions!"
We offer Frozen Semen, Fresh and Now Embryo Transfer.
Siglavy Stallion acheived High Honors Letter by Maximilian Dobretsberger, DVM (Piber, Austria)*
More Testimonials:
"He is the perfect example of the Siglavy line. And third generation son of the top performer of the century at the Spanish Riding School." ~ Max Dorbretsberger, President of LIF.
3 exceptional gaits: "He has a very long stride in the walk, which is rare in the Lipizzan breed, enormous lift and suspension, great stamina and intelligence." ~ FEI Judge
"Exceptionally high level of intelligence and athleticism. It is his enormous lift and sensitivity and intelligence combined that enabled us to win. He absolutely loves to work and a joy to work with."
~ Harold Czikeli, Professional Trainer and Competitor, Austria
Our stallions will be Offered Only to Select mares due to the rarely and sensitivity of this remarkable breed.
*A letter from Max was forwarded to us for Purposes of stating Siglavy XIV-2SK stallion at present should be bred as he would be an asset here in the United States for the LIpizzan breed. Accredited evaluations require the presence of a licensed judge from the European Associations in Europe. Non are available at present here in the United States of America.
"We Import Champions...
in order to Breed Champions!"